Friday, February 4, 2011

My Lil' Fuzzi Bunz!

Hey Folks,

Life is good! Baby girl is growing! I still have to go for non stress tests at the hospital, but they have dropped me down to once a week...YAY! She had a really strong heartbeat at my last appointment a week ago and also on the monitor on Tuesday. I was able to record her heartbeat on my phone and send it to her daddy, he loved it! Only about 7 weeks to go! I'm super excited to get her here, not only just to hold and love on her, but also so I can breathe again!

After a lot of thinking and weighing pros and cons I have decided to give cloth diapering a shot. I just ordered two cloth FuzziBunz diapers tonight and I'm super excited for Annabella to get to here to try them! Since we are going to be on a pretty strict budget and living in California (yeah budget and California just don't mix!) I want to be able to save where we can. I will be nursing until I just can't nurse anymore, I haven't decided to put an age limit yet, just going to go with the flow. I will be pumping though so Jeff can help feed her when he's home. I will also be making baby food, it will be fairly easy at first because all I need to do is take whatever veggie we're having that night and throw it in the processor and voila! I'm super excited to try this all out! I know as more kids come it will be a little more difficult, but once I get it a routine down it shouldn't be too hard.

Nothing else is really going on, this weekend I will be washing the baby clothes & bedding I have so far and setting up the pack and play and moving things around. My goal is to have everything done by March 1st so I'm not stressing on when she's going to make her grand entrance.

Well I'm off!