Saturday, April 23, 2011

Happy Easter Eve!

Hey Folks!

Life in the Hines household is GREAT!!! Jeff flew home this past Wednesday:-D There were tears at the airport as he met his daughter for the first time and held her, such a precious moment! It's so nice to have the other half of my brain back. I always thought I would be this huge independent woman who didn't need her husband to do anything because she would take care of it, well that's not marriage. Jeff has been holding his little girl every chance he gets which means that the grandparents are fighting for time with her:-P He has been awesome and will take her and hold her while I nap which is sooooooooo awesome!! He's changed a few diapers and will talk to me while I feed her so I'm not alone.

Lil' miss is growing! She is now 8lbs and 21 1/2 inches:-D She's getting her own little personality.  She has different ways she likes to be held by different people. With me and Jeff she loves laying flat on our chests so she can hear our heartbeats, with Jeff's mom she likes to be cradled, with Jeff's dad she does the half cradle/sit in his lap, with my mom she likes to be held looking out at the World. Her new favorite(and mine for sanity purposes) is the MOBY wrap we got. I wasn't too sure if I trusted this huge piece of fabric with my baby, but man is it nice! I tuck her in kangaroo style and she scrunches up her legs under her and is asleep in seconds...BLISS!!

We're gearing up to get moving. We took the weekend off just to get our family routine back. Jeff starts RAP next week with the recruiter, we're hoping he only has to do half days so he can get stuff done at home. I'm trying to do what I can as far as packing, but with lil' miss it's hard. We'll be leaving the Midwest May 9th and heading out west! We're looking at a couple of different routes, but we really want to go to Salt Lake so we're looking at the I-80 route. A little nervous about traveling with a 6 week old nursing baby who's in cloth diapers, but we'll be stopping about every two hours and don't plan on driving more than 6 hours a day, so we should be OK(Any tips on long travel with baby will be taken!).

I think that's pretty much it! Congrats to all of our friends who have had babies this past month...YAY!! Happy Easter to everyone and may we all keep the real reason for Easter in perspective.

The Hines Family