Monday, September 26, 2011

The Motivation is There...Somewhere

Hey Folks,

This weekend was a whirlwind!! Jeff working 7a- 6:30p on Saturday so it was lil' miss and I all day...oi! Hitup my Weight Watchers meeting where I conquered my 5%!!!!!! I cried on the scale because it's been in reach, but never there! That night was the General R.S. Broadcast at church and I'm sooooo glad that I got my tired body there! I sat in the back of the chapel nursing lil' miss most of the time, but I'm so glad that I took her, yes she's young, but I want to teach her that you attend church and broadcasts so that you may be spiritually fed and on the right path. While I was sitting there nursing I looked to my right and saw something under the pew and I thought "oh, some kid left their toy behind" and then the toy started moving!!! I covered myself up and got up as fast as I could. Yes Susssssssie the snake wanted to come to the R.S. broadcast too!! It's so funny how snakes and mice in the buildings here are just every day normal! No word if she has been seen since she went down inside the chapels vent. I'm glad the drama was over before President Utchdorf's (sp?) talk...Forget Me Not:-)

Sunday I was so proud of Annabella! She did awesome during Sacrament which is always our hard time. It's always right when they are passing the Sacrament she starts screaming and we're out in the hall. This time she was quiet and I took her out to nurse and she was happy camper until the meeting ran over 5 minutes and she was getting antsy. Jeff got off work at 12p so we got most the day together! I was able to take a nap while he had some daddy time with Annabella...BLISS!!!

Nursing mommy's:
I don't about you, but I've struggled with breastfeeding to the point that she would get formula 3 times a week with dinner and during outings. Today I went to my WIC appointment (in order me to stay home we get help from them and I'm not ashamed of it.) and the lady gave me a lot of encouragement and told me if I kept breastfeeding I would keep all our benefits plus baby food (which includes organic) for the baby. Then she said "would you like a pump?" I told her I would love a pump because my current one sucks and not that way it's supposed to!  I expected her to come out with a manual pump, but I was blown away! She brought out a Medela double electrical pump!! This thing retails for close to $300! I was so happy! She gave me a tons of tips on when to pump and I know it's going to take some time to get used to a schedule, but I'm up for it. Annabella is getting used to my nursing cover again, but I'm thinking I'm going to need to get a different one because she would rather look at the patterns on my cover than eat. I have a light colored cover and so the light comes through it and she can see the pattern on the outside. We're also working with keeping the cover down while we're in public, I think this will always be a problem:-P

Welp that is all. For those guys who read the blog, sorry about the nursing comments, but it's life!:-D



mamabluffs said...

Calla, just wanted to say I love your blog. You inspire me! You're such a wonderful mom and wife and so strong in the church!!!! I'm just so darn proud of you!!!!

Piril Maria said...

Dont be sorry. Let we who read the blog read it and smile. =)

I followed btw, hope you dont mind. And maybe youll visit me someday too.

Anonymous said...

AAAHHHH! I dont know what I'd do if that snake thing happened to me! Cant believe you stayed calm under pressure! Oh, and congrats on the weight loss!!!